mystery of world

Mark Zuckerberg Biography ::- The untold story

            Mark Zuckerberg untold story::-
Facebook is the most widely used social media platform in the world,with more than 2 Billion worldwide users. Facebook is the most and top 1 social networking site in the world.Now Facebook becomes richest and profitable corporation in America. Facebook head- counters is based in Menlo park, California.

Do you know who is the CEO of Facebook and Founder of Facebook ??
Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder and CEO of the most downloading social networking website facebook as well as one of the world's youngest Billionaires.
Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social networking website facebook out of his college dorm room at Harvard University and it's 13-year-old sites, Facebook becomes popular in the year 2010 the Facebook was spread all over the work.

Life of mark Zuckerberg::-
Zuckerberg was born on May 14,1984 in white plains, New York,into a comfortable well-educated family.
Zuckerberg father, Edward Zuckerberg and mother Karen kempner.His father is a dentist and his mother is a psychiatrist and mark Zuckerberg has three sisters- Randi,Donna and Arielle.
Mark Zuckerberg's 1st develop social media::-
Zuckerberg developed an interest in computer at an early age; when he was about 12 years old, he used Atari BASIC to create a message he named "Zucknet" .His father used the program in his dental office and also the family members used Zucknet to communicate with in the house.
Mark Zuckerberg's Education::-
To keep up with Zuckerberg's burgeoning interest in computer,his parents hired private computer tutor David Newman to come to the house once a week and work with Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg later studied at Phillips Exeter Academy , an exclusive preparatory school in New Hampshire.
Mark Zuckerberg and founding Facebook::-
Zuckerberg and his friends Dustin moskovy,Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin created the Facebook,a site that allowed user to create their own profiles, upload photos,and communicate with other users. This site out of a dorm room at Harvard University on 2004. After that on 2010 onwards Facebook is one of the most and widely usable social Facebook was created juct for fun that time there was no idea, that one day Facebook will become a billion dollars company. Now Facebook has around $435 billion net worth.
5 truth facts about mark Zuckerberg::-
1-Mark Zuckerberg is so busy that the wears the same gray Facebook T-shirt almost everyday because he says it save him time in the morning.
2-Every wondered why Facebook has that all -blue colour scheme ? It's because Zuckerberg suffers form red-green colourblindness -as a result of which he sees the colour blue best!
3-At 23 years of age , Zuckerberg become the youngest Billionaires in the world in the year 2008. He was ranked 785 on the world's billionaires list.
4- Over 335000 Twitter followers ,mark Zuckerberg has only tweeted 19 times.

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Edited by
Ashu and Soumya


  1. Mark Zuckerberg one of the most popular person in the world.age of 23 he is now a story

  2. Nice article yar .plz views this article and other important article.

  3. Nice article about Facebook biograpy .plz next article published on comedy part .plz ..reply me

  4. Mind blowing article about Facebook Co-founder mark Zuckerberg. Best biography. Plz 🙏continue.

  5. Plz next article published on Google CEO. Plz bro

  6. This article really 💯💯
