mystery of world

10 Unsolved mysterious places on the earth

5 unsolved mysterious places on earth:

Sailing rock of death valley:

Have you ever heard of any rock sailing of its own without any human interference? Now you will for sure. I am sure most of you have no idea of this sailing stone in death valley, California. This sailing stone has been a mystery since 1915 when people saw track which indicated a stone has been moved itself in dry land. This sailing stone has been recorded studied further so that  people can able to know about this mysterious place.

Some believed that the rocks moved due to the formation of ice around the stones which make them move while other still found it a mystery. No one has ever seen these rocks moving. Some of rocks takes a linear trajectory while others create an oval turns. Some locals believed that some super natural power is present there which causes this paranormal thing.For more

Magnetic hill ladakh India       

           Most of us might be planning for an adventure to this wonderful land Ladakh. Whether you are off for a road trip or just a trip to beat the heat of summer, Ladakh is more appropriate place for everyone. If you are heading out to this land then you might have definitely wondered about the magnetic hills here which tends to pull the vehicles.

           This mysterious hill is a small stretched road which comes on your way of Srinagar Leh high way. This uphill road is as mysterious as it looks. While you are driving through the road if you turned off your car and let it stand neutral, your car will slowly start moving on its own and that too at a speed of 20 km/hr. believe it or not, this hill actually exists. Scientists thought that it is due to presence of some magnetic elements in the hill create a magnetic pull.  

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Moeraki boulders of new Zealand:

Let me take you another amazing place which holds a different mystery for you. Most people considered it to be some giant stone eggs laid right on the beach while others are still trying to figure out this mystery. Koekohe beach in new Zealand and is a rare sight to watch where one can find numerous mammoth boulders scattered around the place.

With its green and brown view, these place offers some picturesque view mixed with mystery. These spherical rock grow up to 12 feet in circumference. People believe that these are a result of a plethora of minerals and sediments which have accumulated and solidified around the fossil.

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Aokighara japan:

You have definitely heard about the aokighara forest in japan. Back in 2016 the movie the forest shows about the spooky and eeriness of this forest which have been haunting people ever since. Also, known, as the suicide forest, located at the foothill of Mount Fuji in japan.

Many cases of haunting and apparitions are said to have been felt inside the forest. More than 500 people are believed to have committed suicide in this forest. Although it is considered as the most enchanting forest most of the world haunting this

Longyearbyen Norway:

Imagine few months for day light and never experiencing the night time. Sound something unusual again right? Well, this Norwegian archipelago lying in the north of green land in the arctic sea experiencing only daylight from April 20 to august 23.

During this phenomenal occurrence, the people residing here do not get a chance to witness the starlit night during this time. Nights will become stories for them. Absurdly during these periods the sun never set over the Svalbard archipelago. Believe it or not it actually happens at this place every year. Also for 6 months after august there is night only. Another fact is that it is illegal to death in Longyearbyen.

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these are the mysterious places. which place is more mysterious to you please comment.


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