mystery of world

Alien Abduction Incident



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           Ever since man looked up and saw the star, the question “Are we alone?” has a featured profoundly in the human psyche.  If you are a believer in alien an UFOs then these stories may prove nit just fascinating but a bit scary, too. Since the mid twentieth century organizations such as mutual UFO network MUFON are attempting to add credibility to the often maligned field of UFO research.


        We have rounded up the top five alien abduction stories which may fascinate you and convience you about alien abduction.

1. Barney and Betty Hill(1961):

              The story of Barney and Betty hill is quite interesting not just abduction wise, but sociologically. After this couple went public with their story, other testimonies of abduction began to swarm the media. Barney and Betty were on the road trip to Canada when they saw a bright light in the sky. They stopped their car and , using binoculars, reportedly saw alien like creatures in the ball of light. After the couple got back to their car, they lost 2 hours of their lives and ended up 35 miles away from where they last remembered being. Betty`s dressed wae ripped and barney`s shors were scuffed, and their watches were stopped at the time when they saw the light. The couple became famous for their experience, and numerous news segments and documentaries scrambled to recount the odd story.

2. Allagash Water Way Abduction(1976):

              Probably one of the more famous stories of the bunch, the allaghas water way abduction involved four men: brother Jim and Jack Weiner, and Chuck Rack and Charlie Foltz . The brother knew the other men from art school, and the four had set out for a liesurely fishing trip. After a day of unsucces ful fissing with little food to spare, the group decided to take their canoe and try some night fishing, and left a large campfire to help them find their way back

               While fishing that night, the group noticed a glowing orb came to the canoe and, so they say, engulfed the entire group. the next thing the man remember is being at the campground, their fire burnt down to ashes. The men later began to independently experience nightmare of strange being examining them and boarding a spaceship. They went through hypnosis and all four men had consistent experiences concerning being medically examined while the other helplessly watched. Because the four man were also artist, they were able to depict their experience on with very disturbing results. The four men`s stories were featured on unsolved mysteries and they appeared on national news.

3. John Salter Jr.(1988):

                This story is probably one of the few that actually has a very positive ending .john salter, jr. and his son john 3 appeared to have lost about an hour of time as they were driving in the opposite direction and  were an hour later then they believed . with no memory of the missing hour, the men continued apparent UFO in the air.

               The sight of the UFO jogged their memory;they rememberd  seeing a group of what they tought to be childern, as well as a teller half-human, half alien creature. The men say they were not afraid of the aliens ,the two  men were then guided to a room where they had a thorough medical examination  and procedure. After all was said and done, john 3 reported an overall imporvement  in their health. The most unusual and convincing aspect of this story? john Jr.`s permanent forehead scar almost completely disappeared after the incident…

4. Kelly Cahill(1993):

               Australian KellyCahill claims to have experienced an alien abduction as she and her family were driving home. She saw a ufo like crafts in the sky with a diameter of about 150 feet, as well as a blinding light. After the initial panic and upon noticing a second car she and her husband simply continued their drive home with their three children.

               Upon returning home, Kelly realized that they were missing a good chunk of time and remarked upon an odd triangular mark by her naval. Kelly would consequently be hospitalized a couple of times, once for a uterine infection and again for severe stomach pain. As time progressed, Kelly began to remember other things such as humiliating medical procedures, frightening creatures and mind control. And what extra strange about this report? The family in that second car reported having an identical experience as the Cahllis but did not want to be publicly named for fear of scrutiny.

5. Clayton and Donna Lee(2005):


                 Houston native Clayton Lee claims that  he has been abducted by aliens numerous times, with experiences beginning during his childwood . When he married with his wife Donna, she too became a victim of these abductions. Donna even believed that alien took a fetus from her body. When their local  news station covered them, a hypnotist was brought in to jog the couple`s memories with unsetteling result. Recalled memories included Clayton screaming , “stop toching me” the couple`s story caught the attention of Havard psychiatrist Susan Clancy, put out a call to the public to try to collect stories that were similar to Clayton and Donna`s experience she was over whelmed with responses. They were also interviewed on the Bill O` Reilly show.

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