mystery of world


Once a thief was caught for stealing a purse from a man. The thief was handed over to the police. The police sent him to jail. The person who was arrested had to be tried out in a court. On the day of the trial, the man whose purse was stolen hired a lawyer and three witnesses. The witnesses were present when the purse was stolen. The third witness had some problems. He could not come. 
At the time of trial, the first witness was called to the witness box.

 The judge asked," when was the theft made ? Was it day or night ?"

The first witness replied,"it was day ,my lord".

The second question the judge asked, "How many persons were there at the time of the theft ?"

Five ,your honour," said the witness.The judge's third question was, "what the colour of the stolen purse was ?"
"Black, your Honour" , replied the withness.
Next the second witness was called to the witness box.The judge asked him,"when was the theft made ? Was it day or night ?"
The second witness replied," it was night ,your honour".
The judge next asked ,"How many persons were there at the time of the theft ?"
The witness replied,"Twenty five, my lord".
The judge finally asked the last question," what was the colour of the purse ?"
"White, your honour", replied the witness.
The trial was postponed for the next day. But the lawyer was terribly upset. He scolded the withnesses for giving contradictory facts  But each of the withnesses told that he had told the truth. "The case is lost . There is no hope of saving the case .No need for sending a third witness,"grumbled the angry lawyer.
Ali, the lawyer's cook, was listening to all this. He said, "Take me as the third witness. l can save the case  ". The lawyer laughed and said, "This is impossible as you are a mere cook . You should know this, Ali". Ali , in his faulty English, said , "Sir, I have been cooking you for the last ten years and you know l can also cook the judge and the Governor . l'm an excellent cook. l know how to make impossible possible. Give me a chance, Sir".
The lawyer agreed,and the next day Ali was called to the witness box. The judge asked, "when was the theft made ? Was it day or night ? All replied, "you may call it a day, your may also call it a night". "How ?" the judge asked.
" When the theft was committed there was light,my lord.But slowly it became dark.It was the meeting time of the day and night,your honour".The judge seemed to nod his head in agreement and asked the next question,

"How many persons were there at the time of the theft ?" Ali said, "sir, you can say five or twenty five, your Honour". When the judge asked, 'how ?.' Ali said," when the theft was committed, there were only five persons,but slowly the number increased to twenty five".
The judge seemed to nod his head in agreement.

The  third question the judge asked, " what was the colour of the purse ?"
Ali said, "you can call it black and you can also call it white,my lord". When the judge asked 'how?' Ali showed a purse which was white inside and black outside.
The judge smiled an unusual smile and nodded his head in full agreement.